UPVC Pipes & Fittings
PRINCE uPVC white pipes & fittings system are the new age solutions to high end requirements, and it comes with the credibility inherent to any PRINCE product. PRINCE uPVC white pipes & fittings are the answer to the research in advance polymer chemistry to enable products to withstand aggressive weather and usage conditions. The properties of PRINCE uPVC white pipes & fittings thus attained clearly scores over copper, galvanized, PPR or alternative plastic plumbing systems. The PRINCE uPVC white pipes & Rttings, to say the least, is virtually "Install it and forget it" phenomenon produced by PRINCE. These systems, as described, lasts longer than any other material made for such application.
Basic Properties & features
Corrosion and chemical resistance
Durable and Longer lasting
Light Weight
Low Maintanace
Safe for potable Water Supply
Applications Areas
UPVC Pipes & Fittings Range